Elissa Beth Stebbins

Needs an apologetic but not TOO apologetic title


Or rather, here I am. Finally.

So let’s go ahead and talk about this now. Come on over, sit next to me, it’s ok. It wasn’t anything you said or did. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it. It wasn’t you, it was me. (Wait – we just went from awkward maternal teaching moment to breakup. Whatever, you can’t expect coherence from me it’s been too long since I’ve done this).

Soooo – I’ve been busy. All the people I know are busy people so I’m just going to assume you understand how that goes.

The majority of my time has been wrapped up in performance (and the commuting it requires). But here’s the silver lining: I love this show. I love the writing. I love the playing. I love the people and the dressing room chatter and the audiences and all of the themes this show makes them (and me) ponder. It’s gonna be really hard to give it up, that is for certain. Luckily I’ve got 7 more shows. And luckily you have 7 more shows. Seriously, come and see it. You will like it. The deets:

In the Next Room (or, the Vibrator Play)
City Lights Theater
San Jose
Tickets: cltc.org
Closing June 17

If there is one thing I regret about this show, it’s that I wasn’t able to get personalized emails out to all the people I know would love it. Which is everyone. In lieu of personal emails I will just post about it on Facebook incessantly. It’s a really good marketing strategy guys, TRUST.

Luckily I have another project to ease the transition out of this one. Next week I will start rehearsals for Hamlet and the following week I will dive into Merry Wives (playing Ophelia and Mistress Ford respectively). It is gonna be a good summer y’all. More info on that as we get closer. Yes I promise. No I’m not going away again, not ever, understand? (Did that just get creepy?)


I’m officially going back to Shakespeare and Co. for their conservatory this fall. I will be there from September to December, quite literally working my butt off. The side effect of getting to do this life-changing training is that I have to quit my job.

Yeah, you heard me, I’m doing the damn thing.

Everyone cross your fingers and send me listings for part-time work that’s mostly mornings but also flexible and that doesn’t start until 2013. I will just be over here hyperventilating.

Needless to say there is a lot of prep to be done, lists to be made, grants to apply for, all that jazz. But it’s cool. I’m handling it like a champ, I’m pretty well organized and I’m getting tons of sleep.




OTHER AMAZING NEWS: my sister-in-law finally pushed her baby out! Her name is Emma Grace and she is totally adorable. Oh you don’t believe me? Newborns aren’t cute you say? They look like red, wrinkled old men and I’m only this enthusiastic because I’m biased? Well feast your eyes on this and eat your doubting heart out.


WUT. That is one seriously cute baby. And before you get all defensive on me, she was only two days old there. Suck it.

So expect another post soon because the list of shows I want to see is longer than my arm. Also, there will soon be new pictures and a new resume and so many AWESOMELY AMAZING new things in the site. Get excited.

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